Bind Runes Introduction
A Bind Rune (often spelled BindRune) is created by combining two or more ancient Viking Runes into a single symbol. What this combination is believed to do is create a more powerful Rune, than the individual Runes used to make it. How the Bindrune is created is very important. Bind Runes should be kept as simple as possible so that each Rune is clearly distinguishable. Using more than five is usually not advisable. When a bind rune is too complex it will be less powerful than a simpler symbol.
Bind Runes were rare in Viking days; there are not many examples of the ancient Norse writing them. They became more common among the Scandinavian people later in the Middle Ages.
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Types of Bind Runes
It should be noted that besides Bind Runes that combine Runes into one character, which are classified as Normal Bindrunes, there is also a category of bindrunes called Same-Stave Runes. Same-Stave Runes are created by writing two or more Runes sequentially along a shared line. Examples of these types were found on ancient Rune stones where the shared stem line was something like a ships mast or waves under a ship.
On this page we will concentrate on Normal Bind Runes of which there are two types; practical and personal.
Practical Bind Rune
This type of Normal Bind Rune is created and used for a practical purpose. Examples of reasons why a person might wear a Bind Rune are listed below.- Increasing strength
- Love
- Endurance
- Improving health
- Protecting themselves or their home
- Improve a relationship
- Financial success
Since medieval days it has been acceptable to slightly reshape a particular Rune when combining it with other Runes, it is also acceptable to use the mirror image of a Rune. This is true especially when that Rune is used more than once in the bindrune.
An example of a Practical Bind Rune can be seen below. Here we see the combination of Gebo and Fehu to make a good luck (Bringer of good fortune) symbol referred to as Gibu Auja.
Personal Bindrunes
This type of Bind Rune combines the Runes that make up a persons initials. Some people create these symbols believing it will reinforce their personality. A great example (see below) of this is the Bluetooth company symbol which uses the Hagall and Bjarkan Runes of the Younger Futhark to form the English initials H.G. These are the initials of King Harold the First of Denmark who died in 987 AD. He was credited with unifying the tribes of Denmark into a single kingdom. The company relates to him believing they have unified communication protocols into one standard.Bluetooth company symbol
Creating personal bind runes is often complicated by the fact that Runes are phonetic, representing sounds not letters. Therefore the sound of the name must be considered when creating the Rune. For example the first Rune used for names that begin with a hard C like Calvin or Catherine would be Kauno. Names that begin with a soft C like Cynthia and Cybil would use the Sowilo Rune.